Cathode Bias vs. Fixed Bias: What’s the difference?
The terms cathode bias and fixed bias are often used to describe amps but lots of folks are not really sure what they mean. I will briefly provide a technical explanation and then provide some bullet points of the major differences in tone, maintenance and power.
Technical Explanation (feel free to skip ahead) :
All power tubes needs to be biased in some fashion to function. Biasing controls the amount of power a tube dissipates relative to the voltage applied to it. Without biasing a tube would just burn up. You could think of it as a train without breaks. A poorly biased tube can either be biased too cold making it sound dull and lifeless or biased too hot where the tube is destroying itself. When using the terms cathode or fixed bias we are discussing the power tubes of an amp (pre-amp tubes in instrument amps are nearly always cathode bias or grid-leak biased but that is a discussion for another time). In cathode bias a small value resistor is placed between the cathode and the ground so it develops positive voltage on the cathode thus achieving bias. As you hit a note the tube calls for more power and negative voltage on the cathode decreases briefly changing the tube's bias. This gives cathode biased amp their awesome sustain. In fixed bias a separate circuit provides negative voltage to the grid of the power tube and the cathode is simply grounded. Since the grid is negative relative to the cathode thus bias is achieved. Since the voltage applied to the grid does not change the bias is “fixed”. This is what give fixed biased amp a crisper stiffer response.
So what is the difference?
Cathode bias amps have more sustain and more compressed dynamics but sometime can be flabby or bassy. Fixed Biased amps have a firmer feel but less compression and sustain. Some of this depends on the tubes being used. A cathode biased El-84 is pretty firm while a 6L6GC is more compressed.
With all other things equal: Cathode biased amps are more easily overdriven. Fixed biased amps are cleaner.
Cathode Biased amp do not require biasing to change power tubes. Fixed biased amps require biasing to change power tubes as well as periodic bias checks to ensure they are working properly.
Cathode biased amps are less efficient than fixed bias amps. Example: a cathode bias Tweed Bassman type amp with two 6L6’s would be about 25 to 30 Watts. The same amp in fixed bias would be about 40 Watts. It is important to note that the volume difference is actually quite minimal. Many tube amps are over powered for the average users volume needs.
One thing to keep in mind is that fixed bias and cathode biased amps are often biased differently. Cathode biased amps are often bias very hot and near Class A (tube amp rarely actually meet the standard for being true class a). The idea was often to maximize power. Fixed bias amp are more usually biased cooler in class A/B. These two bias conditions sound. Many cathode bias amps will benefit from reducing the dissipation a bit by increasing the value of the cathode resistor. The tubes will last longer and the amp will sound better. Biasing should really based on what sound best rather than an attempt to maximize power.
Be sure to check out my amps too! If you have any tube amp questions feel free to ask; I'll post answers in new articles!
A classic cathode biased amp: the Supro Thunderbolt!
A classic Fixed Bias amp: the Fender Deluxe Reverb. Notice the adjustable bias pot. I build these on request!
Some Famous Cathode Biased Amps (with my versions model numbers there too):
All Fender Tweed Deluxe Amps ( CPC-15T is a 5E3 Style and the Octal Deluxe is a 5B3 Style)
All Fender Champs ( CPC-5T is my version of the 5F1)
Vox AC-30
Most Matchless amps
Marshall 18 Watt
Some Famous Fixed Bias Amps:
Fender Narrow Panel Tweed Bassman, Super, Bandmaster and Pro (CPC-30T and CPC-40T)
All Fender Blackface Amps (except the Champ)
All 100Watt and 50 Watt Marshalls
All Hiwatt Amps