Mods for the Fender 65’ Princeton Reverb and 68’ Custom Princeton Reverb Amps

The Fender 65’ Princeton Reverb and 68’ Custom Princeton Reverb Reverb are Fender’s modern PCB board versions of the classic amp. They are solid and economical choice for players need some work to sound like the original amp. Low quality filter caps, a tiny output transformer, some added circuitry, a failure to use proper screen resistors, and sub optimal speakers all hamper it from being all it can be. Out of the box it sounds a little dull and less lively and punchy than it should. Fortunately, it can easily be made into a great sounding amp! It will sound as good as any vintage example. Here’s what the kits does:

  1. Replace the cheap filter caps with high quality caps.

  2. Remove diodes on the rectifier that change the supply impedance

  3. Enhance the power section to better for modern tubes and extended tube life

  4. Circuit tweaks for more touch sensitivity and richness.

  5. Replace Output Transformer with high quality larger unit.

It’s optional but I highly recommend replacing the speaker in most cases. Some versions came with 10” speaker and others with 12” speaker.

10” Speaker Options

  1. Weber CTC-10 this speaker is close to the original speaker found in these amps. It’s bright and breaks up very nicely

  2. A Weber 10-F150T for player who want a bigger “12" inch speaker sound” but with classic American tone.

  3. A Weber Michigan 10 for super clean tones, big natural low end, and takes pedals well. SRV type tones!

  4. Weber 10A150T for big rich traditional Alnico Tones

12'“ Inch Speaker Options:

  1. Weber DT12 for player who want warmth and early breakup. This speaker is similar to the Oxfords found in many Deluxe Reverbs in the 60’s and 70’s. Great for Blues and Rock Players

  2. Weber 12F150 for a great all-round clean sound that takes pedals well. Great for all styles.

  3. Weber 12A150 Alnico for big lush, rich, Alnico Tones


  • Full Mod Service with Speaker: $545

  • Full Mod Service without new speaker: $445

  • DIY Kit with NO Speaker $158.50

  • DIY Kits with Weber CTC-10 $301.50, with 10” 10F150 or 10” Michigan 10” $316.50, with Weber 10A150T $397.50, with 12” 12F150 $337.50, with DT-12 $327.50, with 12” Weber Alnico 12A150 $402.50

    DIY kits are meant for only installation by qualified persons who have experience with tube amps, PCBs, and working with high voltage. Being able to read a schematic and think schematically is required. Comprehensive instructions and schematics are included. No technical support is provided unless the customer wishes to send the amp in for troubleshooting at standard bench rates.

Contact us to get started!

1x12 Combo fitted with Weber 12F150 for great classic mid 60’s tones

65’ Princeton Reverb with new larger custom made output transformer.

Customer Comments:


Thank once again for your fabulous amp tuning and troubleshooting help while I was putting the amp & tubes back together. You are friendly, keenly knowledgeable and a clear communicator — terrific work & experience overall. I would recommend your services to any tone hound without hesitation.

The ‘65 Princeton RI now sounds full, lively and balanced. You restored the full range of the eq, whereas before I needed to max out the bass and cut the treble no higher than 2 (!) to keep the unit from sounding harsh……

With appreciation and a warm handshake,

Daniel B.

Amherst, MA