The Orpheus
50W or 18W of T-Wreck inspired tones with my own trick and tweaks—-everything from smooth blues tones to classic rock tones to hi gain bliss all at any volume with onboard London Power Scaling.
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We build 1x12 and 2x12 cabinets for this amp. Contact us for pricing.
The Orpheus is my take on the highly prized Trainwreck amps. It’s not a clone though; its huge improvement on the original amps and playable at any volume level. The amp can go from beautiful cleans to warm blues overdrive to hi-gain tones. It generates it tone from pre-amp and power tube break up, so the amp is fitted with London Power Scaling which allows you to play at any volume level and still get great power tube break up. The unique “Heat Switch” give you lots of variation from jangly “better than Vox” cleans to mean hard rock hi-gain distortion and all points in between. The original Trainwreck amps are too loud to play on most stages today. Now you can have that amazing tone at home or on gig without being overwhelming loud. I offer the amp in 18W or 50W.
London Power’s Power Scaling:
Trainwreck and their many clones are incredibly loud amps and were designed for big stages. They are too loud for most players to use even in a club setting. Power scaling allows the player to dial in anything from full power down to 1/10W. So, these amps are capable of playing anything from a bedroom to a stadium. Many amps have "wattage" and "power" controls that sound unnatural. London Power Scaling is different from most of these and very transparent. Plus, in any setting below full power it extends the life of the power tubes.
Other features:
18W with El84s or 50W with EL34s
Gain, Treble, Bass, Limit and Power controls, a three-way bright switch, three way heat switch that allow you to adjust the amount of gain the amp has.
Hand wired for great sound and easy servicing.
Special resistor selection, grounding system, DC elevated heaters, and expert layout mean reduced noise and better touch sensitivity.
High quality parts throughout for best sound and reliability.
Orpheus 18 with custom cosmetics