Chicago Harpmaster Amp 30W or 15W
Heads, 2x8, 4x10, 2x10, or 4x8 Combos
15W 2x8 or 1x10 Combo
Head and Cab version
The Chicago Harpmaster is mixture and perfection of early Fender and Masco P.A circuits that gives off that thick dirty Chicago sound that players like Little Walter are known for. The amp is designed specifically for harp! The octal pre-amp tube gives a fat smooth sound and special circuitry minimizes feedback and accommodates any Hi-Z microphone including crystal mics that sometimes interact poorly with an amp designed for guitar.
The amp is cathode biased. The non-power scaled version uses a tube rectifier while the Power Scaled head has SAG control. The 30W version ses 5881s for 30W but 6V6 can be swapped in for 15W. The 15W comes with 6V6s. The amp has body control that pan from full push-pull to single-ended Champ type tones with an accompanying volume decrease that allow you turn the amp up more. Optionally London Power Scaling can be added to the head version for ultimate control over the volume and output power.
I offer the amp in a head and cabinet setup or as a 4x10, 2x10, or 4X8 combo for the 30W or 2x10 or 2x8 15W combo. The 4x10 is the cleanest followed but the 2x10 and then the 4x8. I also offer the speaker as all Alinco smooth cones for quick breakup and smokey tones or with blend of Alinco and Ceramic speaker for more definition and headroom.
30W or 15W all tube power, 6SL7 pre-amp tubes, 5881/6L6WGB/6L6GC or 6V6 power tubes, 5U4 or 5Y3 Tube Rectifier, Vol, Tone, and Body control, 8 ohm speaker out.
4x10 Version in Lacquered Tweed!
In 4x10 Combo in Black Lacquered Tweed
Head with London Power Scaling and custom wood front!
Customer Comments:
I have had my Harp Master 15 1x10 about two months now. I have gigged it five times and used it for several band rehearsals. This is the tone I’ve always heard in my head! The amp slips into breakup with such ease. No pedals of any kind needed. Beautiful, organic breakup, right where you expect it to be. Very responsive to player input and very predictable. Like driving a car you’ve had for many years; you can take it anywhere and do anything with it, because it has become an extension of yourself. Nice balance from the bottom end to the top end. Enough bite to cut through a band mix, but not harsh or offensive in any way. And the speaker hasn’t even broken in yet! In fact, I gigged the amp they day after it arrived on my doorstep! The fit and finish are impeccable. The graphics are tasteful and professional. Everything about this amp, from the look, the build quality and most importantly, the sound, all exhibit an air of quality. I have owned three hand-made, special-order harp amps over the years and I have sold every one of them, shortly after receiving them. This amp will be my “desert island” amp. The Harp Master will be with me until the end! Thank you for making a dream come true!
Chris Balding
Tallahassee, FL”
Note: Chris has a version with that is 1x10” for great portability.